Sustainable travel: 5 things you can do right now to make your journey greener


We all want to make the most of our holidays, but how can we do that without damaging the environment? Sustainable travel is a trendy topic nowadays. What does it mean to be an environmentally sustainable traveller? Sustainability in general, from an everyday perspective, is about following the 3R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Being an environmentally sustainable traveller is about getting to know how your items are made and ensuring that the companies you buy from always follow the three R's. It stands for reducing our carbon footprint, reusing rather than recycling materials, and avoiding plastics or toxic chemicals whenever possible. t's about doing what you can to protect and preserve our planet so future generations can enjoy it too.

1. Cut down on flights

If you can't get away from flying altogether, try to reduce the number of flights you take. You don't have to cut out all flying if it's not possible — but at least consider reducing the number of flights you take each year by opting for direct flights over connections and for trains over flights whenever possible. If you absolutely have to fly, try and book a ticket with an airline that uses biofuels instead of fossil fuels. This helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from aviation by up to 60%.

2. Eat local food and buy local products

This is a great way to support local communities while making your trip more sustainable. Try to find local markets or grocery stores where you can buy fresh produce and other food items made locally. You'll be doing your bit for the planet while also getting to taste some delicious local specialties that may not be available back home.

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3. Buy reusable water bottles

If you're going on a long hike or driving long distances then buying bottled water can add up quickly! You don't need to spend money on single-use plastic bottles when there are reusable ones available everywhere these days (even if you don't want the branded ones!). Reusable bottles are much better for the environment as well as being cheaper in the long run. Most models will also keep your drinks cool for longer, which can be a blessing on a hot summer day!

4. Look for eco-friendly accommodation

Stay at eco-friendly hotels or B&Bs. Many facilities these days offer sustainability programs that include organic meals, recycling programs, water saving features and more. If you're not sure if a hotel has an eco-friendly program, ask before booking or check out their website for more information on things like solar panels, farm-to-table restaurants or local community support programs.

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5. Choose biking or public transport over cabs

Use public transportation whenever possible. Public transportation reduces air pollution and your carbon footprint, while also allowing you to experience your surroundings like a local. If there isn't any public transportation available at your destination (in which case, well done for straying off the beaten path and avoiding mass tourism!), consider renting a bicycle or electric bike (if available). They're not only fun but also practical as they allow you to go further distances without having to worry about traffic jams or finding parking spots downtown!

Sustainable travel should not be a chore: a little really goes a long way.

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